The Miracle of the Half-Smile

by Mark Brennaman

Gather round and let me tell you how I discovered the miracle of the half-smile. Half-smile, you wonder. What is a half-smile? A half of a smile?

Yes, a half-smile. Not a grin from ear to ear. Not a big smile. Just a half-smile. Barely turn up the corners of your mouth. Just a little bit.

Now, hold that half-smile for a moment and begin to feel what’s happening inside your head.

Sit with a half-smile, quietly, and calmly. As you turn up the corners of your mouth you begin to release endorphins.

Did you feel some tingling in your brain?

As long as you keep the half-smile on your face you cannot hold a negative thought in your head.

With your half-smile, begin to dream of your possibilities. Thinking about your own success while engaging a half-smile will help you realize your dream.

It all starts, and ends, with a half-smile.

What miracle awaits your smile?

Walking Toward Wellness

Walking is an ideal way to enhance mental health. It’s the easiest, cheapest, best way to achieve heart health, as well as improve one’s mood. There’s no special equipment to buy or a gym to join. All you need is a sturdy pair of shoes and a safe place to walk.

The American Heart Association recommends walking 30-minutes every day. Others suggest we need to walk 10,000 steps a day recorded on a pedometer (that’s 5 miles!). Thirty minutes is a great target. Just open your front door and walk away for 15 minutes then turn around and walk back home.

The act of getting up to move; the act of getting outside the door; the act of seeing new surroundings all contribute to feeling better. As you walk, take in all that is there to be seen. Be aware of nature all around you.

If you make walking 30 minutes a daily habit, you’ll soon discover that you’re losing unwanted weight. Many malls allow people to walk the mall. They’re a perfect place to walk if it’s too cold or hot outside. City parks are also great places to walk. Check your local government for walking and biking trails.

Having a walking partner can make this exercise even more enjoyable. The best thing about stepping toward wellness is it’s free, and the benefits are immediate. Get outside. Put one foot in front of the other and have some fun.

Walk your way to better!